Website: Book review of The Coming Economic Collapse. This book explains how to thrive when the price of oil is $200 per barrel. Investments are also discussed as it relates to oil and energy. MrEnergyCzar rating is 4 stars. Facebook Twitter:
Website: Will Cape Wind be built? Cape Wind is america's first offshore wind farm to be built. The Cape Wind battle has dragged on for over 10 years. The 130 wind turbines would be placed between Cape Cod and Nantucket, 6 miles at it's closest point to Cape Cod. I believe...
Website: Review of the film The 11th Hour. This movie is visually stunning and takes you around the planet showing the various environmental and resource issues. MrEnergyCzar rating is 4 stars. Facebook Twitter: Video The 11th Hour Environment Environmental Movie Review Amish Rail Truck Horse World oil supply high embargodemand solar how to alternative fuels global warming Peak Oil crisis understanding explaining peakoil petroleum future apocalypse end crash energy inflation gas gasoline reserves strategic reserve prices unemployment fuel finance resource wars middle east war military kunstler heinberg martenson simmons Ruppert save money powerdown howto Vlog preparing for peak oil solar heating array inverter homestead survival supplies sustainable living permaculture crops tips ideas tools protect family cut Saudi Arabia Libya Iran Yemen Nigeria Syria Iraq tar sands Chavez high gas prices bakken shale ethanol electric DIY Betterplace Russia clean green economy IEA EIA