Website: This is my Chevy Volt tire inflator video. My PSI in my tires is down to about 37 to 38. You get individual pounds per square inch per tire in the Chevy Volt due to the sensors in the tires. I have 38 in the front and 37 in the rear and would like to bring them up to about 42 to get better EV range and miles per gallon. In the trunk you have your tire inflator next to the cord set. It's a nice compact unit. You have built-in tire sealant in the unit. If you have a hole in the sidewall of the tire you can't use the sealant and you have to get towed. If you have a nail on the tread, you can use the sealant. Attach the cord to any of the cigarette lighters in the Chevy Volt. I have found that the gauge is pretty accurate. If it says its 42 psi, you can check the number inside the car and I also use a digital device as well. You screw the tube in the tire before turning it on. Turn it on, it is loud. I fill it to 42 psi and verify with the digital device. It' reads exactly 42 psi. It's pretty accurate. Do this to all your tires a few times per year and you should get a lot better mileage. Facebook Twitter: Video Chevy Volt Tire Inflator PSI Energy Heating Panels Plant Systems Hot Water Heat Heating Wars China Economic Collapse Book Review Brende Amish Rail Truck Horse World oil supply high embargo demand solar how to alternative fuels global warming Peak Oil crisis understanding explaining peakoil petroleum future ...
Website: This video is about Solar Thermal for the home and defining what it is. Basically, you can get a 5 foot by 8 foot solar hot water thermal collector up on your roof and the sun will heat up the water. The heated water gets stored down in an internal storage tank in your house. The water will stay hot for several days. The hot water can be used for your showering needs plus it can be piped through your radiators or radiant flooring to heat your house so you don't have to use oil or gas to heat your home. It's quiet, it's proven technology, it's been done for many years. Some people have a small back-up electric or gas instant hot water heater in case it snows for a week or for low sun times of the year. You can oversize it where you have a couple of collectors and a larger storage tank so you don't need any back-up but that's a personal decision. Facebook Twitter: Video Solar Thermal Energy Heating Panels Plant Systems Hot Water Heat Heating Wars China Economic Collapse Book Review Brende Amish Rail Truck Horse World oil supply high embargodemand solar how to alternative fuels global warming Peak Oil crisis understanding explaining peakoil petroleum future apocalypse end crash energy inflation gas gasoline reserves strategic reserve prices unemployment fuel finance resource wars middle east war military kunstler heinberg martenson Maass simmons save money powerdown howto Vlog preparing for peak oil solar heating array ...
Website: This is my Peak Oil book review for the book, "Darkness Falls". MrEnergyCzar rating is 3 stars. It's a great fictional book. It's a fast paced thriller about a bacteria that starts knocking out some of the major oil fields of Saudi Arabia and other places in...
Website: This video is about the Chevy Volt and the politics. I'm not affiliated with either party so I'm the average political Joe looking from the outside in. I think the Republicans lost a few opportunities to show that they are for the future, fuel efficient cars and...