Sunday, December 21, 2008

A look at Swift Wind Turbines

Wind turbines could feasibly provide a lot of electricity to the world and building integrated wind turbines is an interesting model to use. A building integrated wind turbine is mounted on e.g. a rooftop. Roofs often have better wind than on the ground, but as I noted in the earlier article there is a bit of controversy in that earlier designs transmitted vibration to the building causing damage. However there are several new designs which have better behavior.

The Swift Wind turbine is one of these. It is said to be quiet, vibration free, simple to install, zoning compliant, etc.

The design includes mounting brackets that incorporate damping systems specifically designed to absorb a wide range of frequencies. The design includes an outer ring diffuser which minimizes turbine noise by preventing turbulence vortices at the blade tip.

The Swift Wind Turbine was developed by Renewable Devices in Scotland. The Swift turbine is mounted on an aluminum mast with a minimum blade-roof clearance of approximately 2 feet. It is usually mounted at the highest point of a roof, in a position which benefits from maximum prevailing wind, but it will work effectively in almost any location. The Swift is designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and quiet.

Rated power output: 1.5kW @ 14 m/s; Annual Power Supplied: up to 2000 kWh; Electric power: 240VAC, 60Hz output voltage; Noise: less than 35 decibels for all wind speeds

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